Remove porn from the internet. The naked Reality Of porn- Exposed!

Porn is a short form of pornography films. It is also known as erotic films, blue movies, and sex films. These types of movies have sexually explicit content. Porn films are based on various fantasies as well. Due to the explicit content, many people are against these films. According to the surveys and reports following are the reason why people demand to remove porn from the internet:
• Unrealistic content: porn films are based on fantasies and nothing related to real-life situations. People who watch these movies have an unrealistic impact which leads to serious problems. Viewers seem to think that what is shown in the movie is the correct and the only way to perform sexual activity. This also creates an unrealistic perspective towards sex.
• Leaked and Private videos of innocent and minor girls: Sometimes, on porn websites, many private videos have been uploaded to degrade or defame the reputation of the person whose video is posted.
• Human and child trafficking: There have been cases of various sex rackets that practice human and child trafficking and then sell girls in either a brothel or to the people who make adult movies to earn money.
• Can lead to erectile dysfunction: As per reports and researches, it is said that those who watch porn regularly and masturbate, and due to this heavy consumption of the content, there might be serious issues because simulation is higher in fantasies.
• Objectification of women: In most of the porn films, women are just used as an object. This leads to a negative impact on society because the viewers of this content do not differentiate the fantasy and reality. This is also one of the main reasons why problems like Rape and molestation still exist.

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